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"LEGALIZE NY MMA! (Fighting Unions)" Empty "LEGALIZE NY MMA! (Fighting Unions)"

Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:17 am

Interesting mini doc about MMA in NY. The only problem is that he forgot to mention WHY the people are trying to make unions in the State Cassinos and in MMA, and how the Fertitta's are as dirty or even dirtier than any politician. I don't like this union thing too, but... something has to be done about the mafia controling the sport right now, with unions or not. Anyway i think it should be legalized in NY, but something has to change.

I suggest some of us could go there and argue about this, specially the ones with better english than us foreigners that have more difficulty.
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"LEGALIZE NY MMA! (Fighting Unions)" Empty Re: "LEGALIZE NY MMA! (Fighting Unions)"

Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:53 am
I usually agree with Crowder and I am not a fan of unions as they are today for the most part (or the Govt for that matter), but I have no problem with the fighters themselves forming a union they control and I think that is needed (or a sanctioning body not controlled by a company like zuffa). That's really the big problem with the U.S. Govt right now, besides being way to be big, but all of these politicians are controlled by someone, big companies or unions and will screw over the average Joe in a heartbeat to keep getting that dirty money. Of course you can go back even more and say it's the people's fault for continually electing people like that when we do have some good ones out there like Ron Paul and his son Rand Paul (who is Senator of my state 8) ).
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"LEGALIZE NY MMA! (Fighting Unions)" Empty Re: "LEGALIZE NY MMA! (Fighting Unions)"

Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:01 pm
Yeah this guy made it sound like it´s the unions fault Zuffa is having difficulties. The mafia sisters are holding the sport back with their shady business. When it comes to fighters safety he made some good points about boxing and brain damage. My only issue is the GNP in mma and refs that don´t stop the fight in time. GNP can kill a fighter. I loved PRIDE and their rules but tbh I´m kinda glad promotions don´t use head stomps and soccer kicks anymore. I don´t want anyone to be seriously hurt for my entertainment.
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"LEGALIZE NY MMA! (Fighting Unions)" Empty Re: "LEGALIZE NY MMA! (Fighting Unions)"

Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:07 pm
Let's not pretend like the Fertittas are any different from any business man that has smelled success. ALL OF THEM are scumbags and ALL OF THEM would sell their family if it meant making more money.

That being said, keep MMA aut of New York. I don't get why people believe that it's incredible that NY hasn't sanctioned MMA, as if they don't realize that the UFC is promoting two men taking their clothes off, and fighting in a cage.

Chickens fight in cages, people shouldn't.

Boxing and Muay thai are sanctioned in NY because if you drop someone in Muay Thai, you can't punch them on the ground and choke them, because it's viewed as street fighting tactics, and that's in the classy confines of a ring. People expect a state to sanction a sport where two men are choking each other in a cage? I wonder why it isn't more popular #Sarcasm
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"LEGALIZE NY MMA! (Fighting Unions)" Empty Re: "LEGALIZE NY MMA! (Fighting Unions)"

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