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The Birth Of A Legend New Russian mma event featuring Alex Emelianenko Empty The Birth Of A Legend New Russian mma event featuring Alex Emelianenko

Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:02 pm
On the challenges and prospects of the new show "the legend" Star and the return to the sport of Alexander Emelianenko read in an exclusive interview with tournament organizers.

The owner of a sports club, a TV presenter, a Hairdresser, a marketer that can combine these people? Don't believe it! The martial arts tournament.

on May 25, in Moscow, will take place at the Luzhniki stadium, launching a new, ambitious project in the world of Russian martial art called "legend". According to organizers, it will be a fighter's show, which was never seen in Russia. good afternoon, gentlemen. Please introduce readers.

Ruslan: Ruslan Suleimanov, head I "martial arts Club No. 1". Tournament organizer "legend".

Vladimir: my name is Vladimir Voitsekhovsky, I'm world champion ... for hairdressers ' art. Am in the group that organizes the tournament "legend".

Ruslan: in addition to the two of us, the organizers are still Timur Solovyov (popular TV presenter who spent boxing bout in the ring) and Alexey Mihailin, which deals with the creative part of the project. Vladimir, and what weight you hairdressing champion?

Vladimir: (smiling) actually, I spoke with professional athletes in a ring on k-1 in weight up to 71 kg. One fight I lost. The second won, it was a fight with the champion of Belorussia on Thai Boxing Paul Savage. There is a video on YouTube, you can watch. And that really sold the head Sports Club and the hair stylist to do high-level martial art tournament organization suddenly?

Ruslan: a story that began long ago. In his time, once, I have been getting, you can tell the fateful acquaintance with famous fighters, k-1 Gago Drago and Sahakom Parparânom. We quickly became friends, and since then, the idea of zavertelas′ open martial arts Club in Moscow, to bring them, bringing many of their friends, other world Kickboxing stars with whom we subsequently also became friends with us at the opening of the "martial arts Club No. 1". And, on the eve of the opening of our Club, we were making dinner when we sat with all guests in one of the restaurants of Moscow, late the Timur, Solovyov to the opening of the Club, after seeing about a dozen fighters ... a galaxy of stellar athletes, asked me a question,-Ruslan, and you didn't think to organize fights? And somehow this all began, and began to think about it. Slowly, slowly, have assembled a team of Associates, Vladimir, Timur, Alexei and the four of them began to move this thread. This promotion, it is because of the passion for fights or more for making money?

Vladimir: in Moscow, this is my opinion, it starts as a passion anymore. When you're doing something ... Here is for example when I spoke in the battles, we ourselves have been doing promo videos, we ourselves have sold tickets, made films about himself with Timur when he competed in boxing, and I-1 to on. When it all starts with passion, then everything will turn out anyway. So, we were obsessed with the idea, but in the future, we will strive to ensure that any idea okupala herself and was economically beneficial. But this is the next step.

Ruslan: we have basically the same situation is with the Club, my junior partner Dennis Novikov big soul move "martial arts Club No. 1," starting with the opening of the loud ... We conduct seminars. Yesterday was exactly five months from the opening of the Club, we thought that during this time, spent more than a dozen powerful stellar seminars "Andrei Arlovski with Greg Jackson, Denis Lebedev, Gago Drago, Nikolai Bukharin, Mike Zambidis, Mike Passen′e, Jabar Askerov, Adlan Amagov, Fedor Emelianenko». How much money is lost in these seminars?

Ruslan: (laughs) it is difficult to calculate. If putting a lot of our critics who write online and criticized us, that is, expensive to come to the workshop ... and why do we even take money for entry to such events. in fact, people simply do not realize that by and large, each seminar that we do this in order to give joy to people. And to be honest, each seminar is unprofitable for us., as I understand it, the martial arts for you is not a source of income? Is more of a hobby?

Ruslan: a source of spending more. Yes, it's more like a hobby, you can say so.

Vladimir: in Russia, as there is no developed industry of sports, martial arts more precisely ... no pay television ... I do not know who at this tut earns. And we protest very highly, we want to turn this into some kind of civilized industry. And so, decided to do everything not on the middle level and scale, at the global level. That would be so much the athletes with these names came in one evening in Moscow ... such in Moscow has never had. No one has that experience. And what about the Golden Glory?

Vladimir: Glory, they did, but they had no Russian athletes in addition to Kharitonov. Well, anderkarde has been a lot of fighters from Russia.

Vladimir: Glory was brought to us by the franchise. We have exclusively Russian organization. And Golden Glory. they took brought athletes, they're well done. But we put more meaning, we don't just bring athletes, we invest heavily in the show, in the Organization of the event itself. In addition to fighting, we want to show people the real show, so as public in Moscow very spoiled. Pretty much all kinds of recreational activities in Moscow and attract an audience that is the most difficult fights. Don't you think that this niche already occupied by another promotion?

Vladimir: I know about you, but I will say that we do not compete. We want to do an event with these stars in the world of martial arts, which will be known in Holland, in America that has such a tournament in Moscow, and that fighters would fight in him, dreaming as it was, during the heyday of the k-1.

Ruslan: we are one of the key differences from other promotions, tournament is a principle that we type from the first "Legend". It is a micro grid, four, but this is a tournament, there can be a champion, you can award zone. And the more we see the essential difference from others. Tournaments are a dangerous thing ... are not afraid of what could happen is that we have seen recently in the finals k-1 in Zagreb? fundamentally disappeared When the intrigue of the tournament due to injury of the main contenders.

Ruslan: Directly organizing four on May 25, we took into account the experience of facing, and have seen themselves in Croatia. The fact is that we were present at this tournament and saw everything as it was actually ... at this point in more detail please. I think that many would be interested in hearing about how "returned fire".

Ruslan: We with Vladimir and Timur were recently at the Grand Prix final to-1 in Zagreb, where the champion, as we all know, was Mirko Filipovic. We were the first on such a large-scale event, it was very interesting. But, from the point of view of the show, even at a legendary event, we see things that we can do something more fun and greater, but it is better to say Vladimir later. Good Pro final of the Grand Prix К-1 tell us?

Ruslan: above all, we saw the spectacular battles with sports point of view, which were very happy. Does not it seem to you that something is wrong as it was at this tournament? what I Understand?

Ruslan: Understand. I had a feeling ... I think everyone realized that everything was originally optimized for Mirko. The tournament was in Croatia. By the way, as well as the final in Middleweight k-1 in Greece, where everyone expected that Mike Zambidis would be champion, but there's a series of coincidences and bad luck for Mike nektorogo, and luck for the Mortela was Groenharta. And in the end, the House became a champion Zambidisa Groenhart. Here too, it is likely that the final will face Krokop and Badr, but to our surprise it did not happen.

Vladimir: if not for sitting in the front row, and after a battle with Hari, alongside us accidentally sat down Zabit Samedov, we would think that Badr Hari especially withdrew from the battle and Zabit Samedov specifically refused to participate further in the tournament. But everything was happening before our eyes, we saw something that was not in the frame. That Badr Hari is very tired, and we saw that he refused at the last moment. A Clogged sat next to us, watching other fights and he just didn't get time to prepare themselves, zabintovat′sâ, pack up and leave on battle. And besides, he's already mentally rested, it was hard to perezarâdit′sâ.

Ruslan: physically he (Samedov) the injuries were of course, and he was not thrilled with the idea of going further in the tournament replacing Badr Hari.

Vladimir: while the main organizer, came to Samedovu and asked him to quit. So what happened with Hari?

Ruslan: injury ... well, since officially stated. The results we saw the real drama in this tournament. The Organizers ... for them it was just a shock, as the right wing of this grid dissolves, which falls out of the main tournament contender, contender Mirko ... Like, in such situations, the loser should rejoice at the chance and go ahead on the grid I'm Pro Zabit Samedov, but he refuses. Tournament frayed out before our eyes. And yet, such a scenario they have devised, the show began with a reserve bout, from which the winner could move on to the grid.

So, all the possible developments, we lost ourselves in the head, and we anticipate the same be a reserve bout. You probably already know all four. This Zambidis, Askerov, Kishenko and Immortal. and who will be in the backup battle?

Vladimir: this is probably still too early to tell. Today we are negotiating.

Ruslan: we understand that this is not a fight redundant four course, but putting the weak athletes we too do not want to. For that, try to find as close as possible to the level of the main fighters of the athletes. I can only say that, most likely, it will be sufficiently notable fighters from the CIS. In addition to the four-man k-1 rules that still expects viewers to "Legend"?

Ruslan: Yes, we do not limit ourselves to only skilled in Kickboxing. We will give the opportunity to the athletes and the MMA. Of those who are already there, it's Edward Vartanyan from martial arts Club "No. 1" and "Honda" Sergey Handožko from Club "R.O.D. ú". Also, plan to hold a women's fight, in which the athlete from the Club will Fight No. 1» Julia Berezikova, rival her now we select. Still we will fight Alexey Nazarov, his opponent will be determined in a few days.

Vladimir: well, we are preparing a very big surprise for fans of martial arts. This is not just a world-class fighter, it would be beyond the known fighter. But we will name him at the last moment. It will be a blast. But I wonder. what else is interesting ... How? As it so happened that Alexander Emelianenko returns to the sport and it will have you in a tournament?

Vladimir: it's simple. Alexander just 31 years. To date, ... It is now ... If you look objectively, we can bring the most famous stars in the world of martial arts, but ... I understand that you have to not let budget merâno, huh?

Ruslan: (chuckles) Here we rely on sponsors.

Vladimir: Yes. We have some good sponsors. So, there is in Russia today, it is for the Russian audience names more known like Emelianenko. And we understood it. We understood that going off somewhere, in your world, he will most likely return. If Fedor will not exactly have that he repeatedly made, then Sasha ahead may have many more victories. Why Alexander chose to start a new you?

Vladimir: what attracted Alexander in us ... I can tell probably.
We are young, we just introduced, we loudly declare about themselves. We don't have a bad past, we have no past. Everything from zero. And here is the return of our young, this is a risk for both sides, but for him and for us this is a big step. Alexander in the form?

Vladimir: well, we've seen it recently, when signing the contract. Now he has two workouts a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. He sleeps during the day. And he looks really, really enjoy the duties.

Ruslan: to date, Alexander about 60 days to prepare for a competition, so he had time enough. I have seen pictures of Alexander he now bearded Vladimir, you, as the world champion of hairdressing art, it would be interesting to work on the new look of Alexander?

Vladimir: (smiles) returning from Mount Athos, Alexander came, having achieved peace with such deals very quietly, and this State and this appearance, he is a great fit. He should return to the way it was before. Now Alexander is very positive. And it's fun. And about the beard, the beard must leave. Who will be the opponent of Alexander?

Ruslan: we can say that maybe this is a foreign athlete. Literally in the next few days we hope to reach an agreement with the rival Alexander. Most likely opponent would be the drummer more from Europe.

Vladimir: Why from Europe and why drummer, because we want to make a spectacular fight. We understand that if you bring a rival to Alexander, for example, from Brazil, the whole fight could last in the stalls and will not be cut. Martial arts fans can hope that someday, in the ring, "legends", will fight for the dream of many fans of martial arts in Russia, between Alexander Emelyanenko and Sergey Haritonovym?

Vladimir: actually, everything will depend on the development of the career of Alexander now, how well it will continue to be, how it will feel the strength.

And yet, psychologically, both athletes, it seems to me that there is some kind of a nuance, about which no one knows except them. For some reason, they fundamentally don't want to fight. But maybe over time it is somehow transformed. See how Sasha will grow, and how this is all going to watch Sergei.

My opinion is that both Sasha and Sergei, the battle between the two could become the highest grossing for both. Well a simple invite Sergei Kharitonov in the ring, not against Alexander, put it with another fighter? there are such plans, whether the Phone? s sergeem, communicated?

Ruslan: Yes, we have contacted him. We even had a joint event in our "Fight Club # 1". And during this meeting, we talked about possible future fights. Right away, I can say it is open to us, is ready to serve. But, you have to look at everything with a glance in his current contract with the promotion Glory. You state that this will be a completely new fighter's style show. what would it be? please tell us about the room to look like Hall?

Vladimir: we will have a distinctive ring. five, or three angles?

Vladimir: no, it will be a normal ring. Four corners. Only has it would be very unusual. All in thorns, as in "escape from New York"?

Vladimir: ringside area Itself, where the sportsmen act, will be a classic, but around the ring ... It will resemble a spaceship. This will be our surprise for the audience.
Ringsajd will consist of tables for six people each. Actually, we thought very long tables or just chairs. But the first tournament we decided to still make the occasional tables, because that's exactly the specificity of the Moscow audience. else will see this?

Vladimir: we plan to put the biggest projection screen, of all who have ever been used for fighting show, we will be mapping elements.
In addition, a show for spectators will begin even before entering the Hall. The fact of the matter is that the building of the arena in Luzhniki, which will themselves be executed outside of battles. It also will be the play of light and shadows ... and huge posters with pictures of athletes, up to twenty metres. Mercantile issue. of God to them with tables, what will be the price of tickets for the podium?

From a thousand to ten thousand rubles. Oh and for the finals, tell the Lord, why all the promoters constantly talking about what they would do is not just battles, but also show the show. What is it?, what do you mean when you say the show? and why many spectators is the show just did not like?

Vladimir: we have studied the demand, chatted with the American promoters, with organizers of the UFC, we talked ... they are getting too big have done the show, but later moved away from this, though the budget and money allow. And we understand that the emphasis should be on fighting, but without high-quality promo about foreign fighters, without a good light, sound, design ... people ... and viewers in Moscow are spoiled for ... they should give a good ride!

We have a variety of statements, strangers in the ring, is long and no one interesting ads, listings of minor merit athletes in Russian, then in English, pauses between battles and other things. As such, we Show will consist of pictures, which had not previously been on fighting events. But the main action of the evening, of course, will be fighting.
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