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Grappling/BJJ competition rules question Empty Grappling/BJJ competition rules question

Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:43 pm
A rather random situation occurred to me regarding competition grappling rules, in particular regarding the distinction with respect to striking regarding a particular armbar setup.

I saw a Japanese clip somewhere recently (the source completely escapes me and isn't important) where a guy had a straight armbar setup. The opponent is flat on his back, and the armbar is all set up from the typical position.

The opponent has his hands locked to try to prevent the hyperextension. The guy putting on the armbar responds by punching the knuckles in order to break the grip.

My question is, would that be illegal in BJJ or other competition grappling, as it'd be considered striking? Or perhaps it is allowed, and regarded as an acceptable technique?

Just curious, and thought I'd ask in case anyone knows.

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Grappling/BJJ competition rules question Empty Re: Grappling/BJJ competition rules question

Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:05 pm
nodogoshi wrote:A rather random situation occurred to me regarding competition grappling rules, in particular regarding the distinction with respect to striking regarding a particular armbar setup.

I saw a Japanese clip somewhere recently (the source completely escapes me and isn't important) where a guy had a straight armbar setup. The opponent is flat on his back, and the armbar is all set up from the typical position.

The opponent has his hands locked to try to prevent the hyperextension. The guy putting on the armbar responds by punching the knuckles in order to break the grip.

My question is, would that be illegal in BJJ or other competition grappling, as it'd be considered striking? Or perhaps it is allowed, and regarded as an acceptable technique?

Just curious, and thought I'd ask in case anyone knows.

In BJJ I believe that would be illegal.  Would have to use the foot to break the grip.

Last edited by CDF47 on Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Grappling/BJJ competition rules question Empty Re: Grappling/BJJ competition rules question

Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:40 pm
The same, I would think it would be illegal. But at the same time, my brother did a grappling event before and a guy hit him with a low kick and the ref did nothing because that guy who kicked him was from the club hosting the event. They cheated for him a couple of times.
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Grappling/BJJ competition rules question Empty Re: Grappling/BJJ competition rules question

Thu Jul 20, 2017 7:57 pm
My guess is also that it'd be illegal, but at the same time I sort of feel like it should be legal.
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Grappling/BJJ competition rules question Empty Re: Grappling/BJJ competition rules question

Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:02 pm
I don't know about other grappling events, but I know in catch I was taught similar techniques (though I don't know if they are legal in the matches that Goldman promotes on his show.)
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Grappling/BJJ competition rules question Empty Re: Grappling/BJJ competition rules question

Sat Jul 22, 2017 2:49 pm
I'm finally watching Rizin 2017 Yokohama, and in the main event, Kawajiri has Anthony Birchak's back in a standing rear mount with body triangle, and Birchak strikes his way out of the hold with elbows to the thy, shins, and inner-knee.

Striking the limbs implementing holds is a good tactic that should be used more.
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Grappling/BJJ competition rules question Empty Re: Grappling/BJJ competition rules question

Sat Jul 22, 2017 8:42 pm
nodogoshi wrote:I'm finally watching Rizin 2017 Yokohama, and in the main event, Kawajiri has Anthony Birchak's back in a standing rear mount with body triangle, and Birchak strikes his way out of the hold with elbows to the thy, shins, and inner-knee.

Striking the limbs implementing holds is a good tactic that should be used more.

I agree. Bas Rutten use to state this quite a bit as well. Striking the limbs is underused in MMA.
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