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Join date : 2011-11-19

Rumors of K-1's Strike Back Emerge Empty Rumors of K-1's Strike Back Emerge

Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:13 pm
It is safe to say that being in the fight game is sort of like a game of chess. I'm not sure that it is the most complicated or graceful game of chess ever imagined, but a game of chess it is no matter. This weekend Bas Boon and Simon Rutz made their strike against K-1. We live in a world where, as much as many would like to believe otherwise, no fight promoter is paying the press for good coverage. We simply publish the news as we take it, and if someone refuses to respond to something, well, it is taken at face value. K-1 has yet to refute any of the claims from Simon Rutz and Bas Boon, but it appears they have been regrouping and will launch a counterattack tomorrow.

This counterattack was told to the world by a forum member of whom many in the industry know to be a reliable source.

Apparently, K-1 is ready to place the blame for the US shows on the shoulders of Rutz, as well as expose some other believed falsehoods to the world. On top of this, they are set to announce a few of their big name fighters, which appear to be Badr Hari, Mirko CroCop, Tyrone Spong, Kyotaro Maeda, Ruslan Kareav, Mighty Mo, Gerard Mousasi and another, yet to be named Japanese fighter. There is also a chance that the US shows are scrapped entirely, so if you were looking forward to K-1 in Los Angeles or the World Grand Prix Finals in New York, you will have to look elsewhere. It looks like K-1 will retreat to Japan or Korea for the time being.

They are cooking up a press release as well as a video. Let us hope that this video does not include Masato speaking English again, as it does not appear to be his thing.

There was a Japanese press release, which states that Rutz did not supply the correct bank account information to them, otherwise they would have paid him.
Posts : 287
Join date : 2012-05-16

Rumors of K-1's Strike Back Emerge Empty Re: Rumors of K-1's Strike Back Emerge

Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:47 pm
interesting, I hope they can share fighters and we end up with two awesome shows. If Glory and K-1 get in a pissing match we'll have two orgs fighter hording. I'm confused since Its showtime fighters are already in the K-1 tourney. not sure how it's gonna go down.
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