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rick roufus challenges evander holyfield to a boxing match Empty rick roufus challenges evander holyfield to a boxing match

Tue May 21, 2013 9:50 pm
rick roufus challenges evander holyfield to a boxing match 392022_238339562954937_1636140535_n

When I saw this bad boy hit my inbox I was a bit stymied at first, as a quick read while walking the dog led me to believe that Rick Roufus and Evander Holyfield were going to be fighting. Both men are accomplished in their own ways, but Evander Holyfield is very much a household name for his Boxing career while Rick Roufus was without a doubt one of the best American Kickboxers in history, but Kickboxing never saw the level of success that Boxing did here in the United States.

It turns out that Rick Roufus is challenging Evander Holyfield to a fight, as both men are getting older and Roufus believes that the fight could be a huge draw between two "classy gentlemen."

The fight is being assembled by the folks at Push Kick Promotions right now, who claim to be in talks with people within Holyfield's camp, but nothing is set in stone yet. The plan would be for it to go down in Las Vegas around the time of Arnold Schwarzenegger's Mr. Olympia.
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rick roufus challenges evander holyfield to a boxing match Empty Re: rick roufus challenges evander holyfield to a boxing match

Wed May 22, 2013 12:00 am
Yeah....right....Holyfield would kill Roufus in a boxing match.
Location : Half-Breed/Georgia
Age : 34
Posts : 4565
Join date : 2012-01-09

rick roufus challenges evander holyfield to a boxing match Empty Re: rick roufus challenges evander holyfield to a boxing match

Wed May 22, 2013 12:00 am
Although Holyfield has always gotten hit a lot throughout his career, I just don't think Roufus has anything for him and it's not like Holyfield has a glassjaw or anything.
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rick roufus challenges evander holyfield to a boxing match Empty Re: rick roufus challenges evander holyfield to a boxing match

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