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In the new category, Jorge Santiago says: ' I'm tough fight for anyone ' Empty In the new category, Jorge Santiago says: ' I'm tough fight for anyone '

Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:54 am
The proposal for four fights in Strikeforce contract seduced Jorge Santiago, who signed with the organization in August this year. The premiere is scheduled for September 29, was postponed with the cancellation of the event and, because of that, the Brazilian waits for a new date for entering the hexagonal cage.

In an interview with the MAT, George says the delicate moment of the organization that runs risk of closing its doors and will only perform a show next year, possibly in January.

"I'm waiting for the attitude that will take, what it will do with the contracted athletes. I don't know if the contract with the Showtimes will be renovated, but I'm prepared to fight in January. Strikeforce has the Zuffa behind and hopefully bring a reasonable solution. Don't think they'll let the fighters on hand ".

No regrets by joining Strikeforce, the Brazilian, who has at the UFC, is eager to debut in the Middle East and guarantees that will come strong in the fight for the belt, currently under possession of Nate Marquardt.

"I'm sure this new weight will bring a big change in my career. For the first time felt great, am one of the strongest category. In Middleweight, lost three pounds. Made a point of never losing a lot of weight, but in America, the athletic level of opposition is different from Japan. Just got the win in the new category. I know I'm one of the strongest. Has a lot of good people, but I will be arriving to resolve, I am tough fight for anyone. I am not going to do lutinha, I am going to fetch the girdle ".
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