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Shooto Brazil back to Brasilia with title fight at its 36° Edition Empty Shooto Brazil back to Brasilia with title fight at its 36° Edition

Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:19 pm
On November 23, will be held the 36th Edition of the Shooto Brazil at Nilson Nelson Gymnasium in Brasilia (DF). The main event of the evening will be between Donovan Bodão and Cristiano BobSapp, for the South American Championship of the category up to 100 kg. In all, the event will have 11 fighting in your main card.

In addition to attending the fighting with every comfort, the public who will be present at the gym will have the opportunity to see firsthand the UFC featherweight champion Jose Aldo, who will defend his title against American Frankie Edgar at UFC 156, which will be played on February 2 in Las Vegas.

Known for being one of the largest exporters of athletes for the UFC and Bellator, the competition revealed among other names, Jose Aldo, Renan Barão, Dudu Dantas and Hacran Dias. The expectation is that the Shooto Brazil has ten more issues next year.


Shooto Brazil 36
Friday, November 23
Nilson Nelson Gymnasium-Brasília

Donovan Bodão will face Cristiano BobSapp;
Bruno Silva will face Felipe Leon;
John Lennon will face Bruno Suema;
Waheed Leandro will face Lucin Fernandes;
Lucas Fall will face Indian Paikan;
Dyel Alexander will face Johan Santos;
Rander Junior will face Eder Range;
Sergio Augusto will face Eric Souza;
Gilberto Days will face Junior Abedi;
Renato Mohawk will face Philip Froes;
Pedro Galiza will face Vagner Fernandes.
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